mercredi 24 février 2016

Laravel 5.1 and Socialite Questions

This isn't a post about a problem I'm having right now. I'm planning on using the Laravel Socialite plugin in my App, I already have a fully working login/register system using Laravel's built in Auth system but I'm wondering if there is a good way to allow users that already have their accounts in my app to link their social profiles to the already existing account?

The plan would be that they can login with their username and password or any of their social profiles. All the research I've done so far explains how to set up Socialite and utilise that data for registering/logging in new users, however I can't find anything to marry the two together.

I'm not looking for anyone to write this for me so please don't get confused by this post.

Thanks for any info, Andy

via Chebli Mohamed

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