mardi 20 mars 2018

Laravel Queue Mail files

I have been trying to move from directly sending emails, to adding them to Laravel Queue, and I've noticed that if the email contains any files, it does not really like to deal with it.

For example, this example works fine if I was to send the email directly, but it will not if I want to add it to the Queue because it will not serialise the $file variable.

$this->mail->queue('',compact('data'), function($message) use($files)
        $message->from('', 'Test Subject');
            foreach($files as $file){
                        'as' => $file->getClientOriginalName(),
                        'mime' => $file->getMimeType()

If I tried to getFileContents, store all data to a varaible and pass the variable to the Queue, it will create a Job, however instead of the Json payload data that it should produce, it adds 0 to the payload column.

So my question is, has anybody dealt with this situation before? I have thought about adding file temporary, but it does not seem like a good solution.

via Chebli Mohamed

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