vendredi 14 septembre 2018

Hide row when result of spesific column is null in Datatable Jquery automatically?

i want to ask about how to hide one row, in example one row contain 10 columns, the first and second column is filled with right value, but third until end value is null, i want to hide the row that have the condition like that. i've tried to make filter before its rendered but not work, please help. This is my code

oTable = $('#data').DataTable({
   "columns": [
   {data: 'no', name: 'no'},
   {data: 'number', name: 'number'},
   {data: 'action', name: 'action'},
   {data: 'status', name: 'status'},],});
   //Used For Call Data (AJAX)

<table id="data" class="table table-striped table-bordered display" style="width: 100%; overflow-x: scroll" >
    <th style="width: 25px">No</th>
    <th>Current Status</th>
 //Used to make table

Thank you. Any idea and help will much appreciated

via Chebli Mohamed

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