mardi 27 août 2019

why im getting error :Method get not found in Illuminate\Routing\Route in my laravel project?

i made a php file in directory: resources/views/layouts named:admin.blade.php i tried to attach bootstrap files and styles to this file but i got error cannot resolve file... anyway i tried to make my admin panel so created directory resources/views/admin/dashboard/index.blade.php and put some codes in for extending. now i tried to make a route in directory Routes/web.php to call my admin panel like this:

 Route::get('/admin' ,function(){
    return view('admin.dashboard.index');


for my admin panel

Route::get('/', function () {
return view('welcome');

Route::get('/admin' , function() {
return view('admin.dashboard.index');

for routing to admin panel

and my virtual hosts:

    <VirtualHost *:80>
        DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/laramarket/public"
        ErrorLog "logs/"
        CustomLog "logs/" common

so i have 2 problems actually 3 bootstrap files cannot resolve in my admin panel route/web.php got error "Method get not found in Illuminate\Routing\Route" 3.i cant search my in any browser i tried to but it says refuse to connect!i only can handle it from address localhost

via Chebli Mohamed

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