mercredi 11 mars 2020

Laravel groupBy groupBy need to show only last value

I have one table who has this values:

unidade_id, bloco_id, image_name and version.

To shrink my index view, I'm trying to show only the last version of image_name. But the problem is... when I groupBy and orderBy this values, the result is always the first version.

Here is my controller:

$image_list = Imagem::orderBy('version', 'desc')       
    ->groupBy(['unidade_id', 'bloco_id', 'image_name'])  

My DB has this example values:

image_name: Windows10_SalaDeAula | version: 3.0
image_name: Windows10_SalaDeAula | version: 4.0

The result in my index is always the 3.0 version, but I need to show the last version only.

what I'm doing wrong?

via Chebli Mohamed

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