mercredi 4 mars 2020

Laravel query two models which are not related and return fields from both

I have 2 models:

  1. Property (fields: prop_id, a, b, c)
  2. OfferDemandmatch (fields: prop_id d, e, f)

Both models have the prop_id column which can be used to join both models. I have a blade view where I do a foreach for matchs collection and I need to have inside each collection item, the fields from Property and OfferDemandmatch model.

This is the code for Match collection sent to balde view

class OfferdemandsmatchsController extends Controller
    public function index ($id) {
        $matchs = OfferDemand::findOrFail($id)->offerdemandsmatchs;
        return view('pages.processes.offerdemand.matchs.index', compact('matchs'));


This is the code in blade view

<div class="row">
  @foreach($matchs as $match)

I will need to use Property and Match fields in each foreach iteration in blade view. So, my collection items must contain fields: prop_id, a, b, c, d, e, f

How can I achieve this?


via Chebli Mohamed

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