I have a homework table in laravel-5.7 where 5000 records in the table also have some Relational records that are coming through HasMany() or HasOne() Relation. I tried many types of Eloquent Queries to get fast results. but Postman result time becomes 10200ms to 10700ms but when i direct dispaly this into postman then i am getting this into 500ms to 1100ms. i want to get it in near about 800ms after binding form Laravel Resource or Normal Array.
problem is, when i try to show the Eloquent result direct then it coming around 600ms to 1000ms. but when i bind into an Array and display in postman then its taking 6200ms why? i do not know?
$page = $req->page ?$req->page:1; // set starting value for look query limit.
$user = Auth::user()->student()->first();
$studentProfile = Auth::user()->student()->first();
// collecting all homework id that have assigned to student.
$studentHWList = StudentHomeWork::where("student_id",$studentProfile->id)
// collecting page by page of homework id.
$hwLimitList = Homework::where('session_code', dnc($req->require('sid')))
->whereIn('id',$studentHWList )
->where('approved', '1')
$hwIndexes = $hwLimitList->pluck('id')->forPage($page,$this->recordLimit);
$paginated = Homework::whereIn('id', $hwIndexes)
->with( "user:id,username,name",
->where("student_id", $studentProfile->id);
->get( );
if( count($paginated))
$paginationData = customPagination('getAllHW',$hwLimitList , $page , $this->recordLimit , $user, $studentProfile );
return response()->json(["error"=>0,"errmsg"=>"","paginationData"=>$paginationData ,
"response"=>['homework_list'=>$this->customResourceHWBinding($paginated , $req )],'auth'=>userType()]);
private function customResourceHWBinding($queryData , $request, $user, $studentProfile )
$document_list =[]; $is_seen=0; $resultData =[];
foreach ( $queryData as $query )
if( count($query->document) )
foreach($query->document as $document){
if( $document->changed_filename )
$file=""; $fileName ="";
$path =env('AWS_URL')."/uploads/".dnc($request->header('dbauth'))."/".$query->session_code."/homeWorks/";
if(is_s3FileExist( $path.$document->changed_filename ) )
$fileName =$document->changed_filename;
$document_list[] = [
'oname'=> $document->changed_filename,
'ext'=>$fileName?explode('.', $document->changed_filename):"",
$resultData[] = [
'is_student_seen'=> $this->studentHWSeen($query, $user, $studentProfile),
'updated_at'=> date('d-m-Y H:i:s' , strtotime($query->updated_at)),
'approve_by'=> '',
'is_draft'=> $query->draft?$query->draft:0,
return $resultData;
private function studentHWSeen( $query , $user, $studentProfile)
foreach($query->studentSeen as $seen){
if( user->privilege == 1 )
if($seen->student_id == $studentProfile->id )
return 1;
return 0;
I try to use Resource But also taking 3+secconds. i try too many others optimize a solution but not work in my case. someone told Use query builder instead of Eloquent to optimize queries. find here Optimising Laravel query . is it a good answer for me? i am not sure. please help me.
via Chebli Mohamed
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