jeudi 4 juin 2020

Select element in where clause using join - Laravel

I have a query in which I am getting data using joins on multiple tables. The problem is in join of "vendor_products" table. I want to get data from it using a where clause and i am giving the value of vendor_id from the select element. If I hard code the value the data is coming but if I used the "orders_vendor_id", the query did not worked.

        'orders.vendor_id as vendor_id',
        'order_items.product_id as product_id',
        'vendor_products.stock_id as stock_id',
        'vendors.stock as stock',
        $join->on('order_items.orders_id', '=','')
        $join->on('vendor_products.product_id', '=','order_items.product_id')
        ->where('vendor_products.vendor_id', 'orders.vendor_id');
        $join->on('', '=','orders.vendor_id');
    ->where('orders.status', 'delivered')
    ->where('orders.created_at','>=', Carbon::now()->subDays(14))

via Chebli Mohamed

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