mercredi 14 juillet 2021

limit foreach prints inside div layer

How can I limit the impressions of the foreach ?.

I need only 7 rows horizontal to print. is there any way to do it with css or pagination?

Image the problem:

right now print infinity, the design is deformed

 <div class="col-xl-6 col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-12 layout-spacing">
            <div class="widget widget-table-two">

                <div class="widget-heading">
                    <h5 class="">Turnos Recientes</h5>

                <div class="widget-content">
                    <div class="table-responsive">
                        <table class="table">
                                    <th><div class="th-content">Cliente</div></th>
                                    <th><div class="th-content">Servicio</div></th>
                                    <th><div class="th-content mr-3">Horario</div></th>
                                    <th><div class="th-content ml-3">Asistencia</div></th>
                                    <th><div class="th-content mr-3">Estado</div></th>
                            @foreach ($servicios as $servicio)
                                <td><div class="td-content customer-name"></div></td>
                                    <td><div class="td-content product-brand"></div></td>
                                    <td><div class="td-content ml-2"></div></td>
                                    <td><div class="td-content"> 
                                    @if($servicio->asistencia == 'on')
                                    @elseif($servicio->asistencia == null)
                                    <td><div class="td-content">
                                    @if($servicio->c_confirma == 'on')
                                    <span class="badge outline-badge-primary">Confirmado</span>
                                    @elseif($servicio->c_confirma == null)
                                    <span class="badge outline-badge-danger">Sin Confirmar</span>

via Chebli Mohamed

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