dimanche 13 février 2022

Automatically not insert created_at and updated_at in laravel not working

Automatically not insert created_at and updated_at in laravel not working.


I am using this above statement passing an array for inserting multiple record $commdataworking fine but when check my created_at and updated_at column in database not getting timestamp.


namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class commundityvendordata extends Model
    use HasFactory;
    protected $table ='commundityvendordata';


public function up()
        Schema::create('commundityvendordata', function (Blueprint $table) {


function commundityvendordata(Request $request){
                $collection = count(collect($request));
                $cvendordata = new commundityvendordata;
                for ($i=0; $i < $collection; $i++) {
                $new_date = Carbon::parse($request->new_date)->format('Y-m-d');
                $cd_id = $CCode['cd_id'];
                $cn_id = $CName['cd_id'];
                $unit_id = $CUnit['unit_id'];
                $vender1 = $request->vendor1[$i];
                $vender2 = $request->vendor2[$i];
                $vender3 = $request->vendor3[$i];
                $vender4 = $request->vendor4[$i];
                   $commdata = [
                    'new_date'  => $new_date,
                    'cd_id'     => $cd_id,
                    'cn_id'     => $cn_id,
                    'unit_id'   => $unit_id,
                    'vender1'   => $vender1,
                    'vender2'   => $vender2,
                    'vender3'   => $vender3,
                    'vender4'   => $vender4
                if($cd_id != ''){
                        return back()->with('success','Data Saved...');

database table screen shot: enter image description here

via Chebli Mohamed

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