lundi 9 mai 2022

how to call one api to another api in laravel using wamp server?

in Web.php

Route::get('/apiforsales', [LeadController::class, 'apiforsales']); //this working fine.

Route::get('/apicheck', [LeadController::class,'apicheck123']);


public function apiforsales(Request $req)
 $results = DB::select( DB::raw(" select id,name,implement,lead_type,number,district,state FROM comman_datas where state = '$req->state' and district= '$req->district' and status = '0'  "));   
 return $results;

public function apicheck123(Request $req)
    $response = Http::get("".$req->state."&district=".$req->district);
    $jsondata= $response->getBody();
    $data =json_decode($jsondata, true);
    return $data;

In postman calling a api ..///working fine. ..///it will loading to much time not giving a exact cause of

via Chebli Mohamed

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