jeudi 26 janvier 2023

How I can pipeline the incomming results in Laravel so I can process them whilst I read them?

I need to run a query in a console command:

use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;

use App\Jobs\SendVaccationEmail;

class ProcessDbResult extends Command
  protected $signature = "process:entries";
  protected $description = "Bulk Process of results";

   public function handle() 
     $sql = "
         (Select user_id from travels where destination = "Bahamas") as bahamas_vac
         LEFT JOIN (Select user_id from travels where destination <> "Bahamas") as non_bahamas_vac ON bahamas_vac.user_id = non_bahamas_vac.user_id
          non_bahamas_vac.user_id = NULL

     $results = DB:select($sql);
     foreach($results as $result){

But expect the results to be rather large ~ 100.000 records, therefore in order to save memory consumption, I want somehow the database results to be streamed instead being fetched on one go.

What I actually want to do is:

enter image description here

Meaning I do not want to wait for results to be returned but once I have the first result I want to begin to process it.

Is somehow feasible Using laravel? I'm stuck with laravel 5.8.

via Chebli Mohamed

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