jeudi 9 mars 2023

how to solve error in code i need upload formats to the image from jpg, jpeg

enter code hereI need to upload all the formats to the image from jpg, jpeg, so I can upload one image format, which is png, can help me thank you

I need to upload all the formats to the image from jpg, jpeg, so I can upload one image format, which is png, can help me

      <script type="text/javascript">
            var var15671147171873255749ble = [];
            @if(isset($product) && $product->hasMedia('image'))
            @forEach($product->getMedia('image') as $media)
                name: "{!! $media->name !!}",
                size: "{!! $media->size !!}",
                type: "{!! $media->mime_type !!}",
                uuid: "{!! $media->getCustomProperty('uuid'); !!}",
                thumb: "{!! $media->getUrl('thumb'); !!}",
                collection_name: "{!! $media->collection_name !!}"
            var dz_var15671147171873255749ble = $(".dropzone.image").dropzone({
                    url: "{!!url('uploads/store')!!}",
                    addRemoveLinks: true,
                    maxFiles: 5 - var15671147171873255749ble.length,
                    init: function () {
                        @if(isset($product) && $product->hasMedia('image'))
                        var15671147171873255749ble.forEach(media => {
                            dzInit(this, media, media.thumb);
                    accept: function (file, done) {
                        dzAccept(file, done, this.element, "{!!config('medialibrary.icons_folder')!!}");
                    sending: function (file, xhr, formData) {
                        dzSendingMultiple(this, file, formData, '{!! csrf_token() !!}');
                    complete: function (file) {
                        dzCompleteMultiple(this, file);

                        dz_var15671147171873255749ble[0].mockFile = file;
                    removedfile: function (file) {
                            file, var15671147171873255749ble, '{!! url("products/remove-media") !!}',
                            'image', '{!! isset($product) ? $product->id : 0 !!}', '{!! url("uplaods/clear") !!}', '{!! csrf_token() !!}'
            dz_var15671147171873255749ble[0].mockFile = var15671147171873255749ble;
            dropzoneFields['image'] = dz_var15671147171873255749ble;

thank you

via Chebli Mohamed

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