jeudi 12 octobre 2023

How can loop and display studentId accoirding to the course_code

I want to display the students ID according to the batchId in table view. example for how I want.

EN01              EN02
12335             58965
45624             78956
46325             78599

This is my controller function.

if($request->courseId!="" && $request->batchId!="")
            $courseCodes = batches::where('course_id','=', $request->courseId)->where('id','=',$request->batchId)->get();
            $courseCodes = batches::where('course_id','=', $request->courseId)->get();

        $course = courses::where('course_active','Yes')->where('course_active_flag','1')->get();
        $users = User::all();

        $tabliView = "";

        $studentData = DB::table('students')
            ->select('studentId', 'batchId','courseId')
            ->where('courseId', $request->courseId);

        if ($request->batchId != "") {
            $studentData->where('batchId', $request->batchId);

        $studentData = $studentData->get();

And This is my table view with loop

<table class="table table-bordered text-nowrap border-bottom" id="basic-datatable">
                                                @foreach ($courseCode as $couscode)
                                                    <th class="wd-15p border-bottom-0"></th>
                                            @foreach ($studentData as $student)
                                                    @foreach ($courseCodes as $courseCode)
                                                            @if ($student->batchId === $courseCode->id)

Now the result is coming like each course code same student Id is printing but each course code has a unique batchId. Please help me to fix this issue.

via Chebli Mohamed

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