dimanche 12 novembre 2023

Laravel project code not refelcting changes to view files

I created a laravel(5.1.3) project with breeze as the starter kit. I am planning to use the react as frontend to this project. I run the 'php artisan serve' command. The boiler plate template is working but any changes to files /resources/js/Pages/Welcome.jsx or /resources/views/welcome.blade.php is not reflecting. I have tried

  1. clearing the storage/framework/views folder ,
  2. run command php artisan view:clear ,
  3. run command php artisan config:clear ,
  4. run command composer dump-autoload ,

Still no change to the initial view. What am I doing wrong?

And I configured to make react as frontend library so I don't need the welcome.blade.php file right?

via Chebli Mohamed

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