I am trying to upload multiple files with AJAX using jFiler package. I have a form where users upload files and have a preview for images and videos that are uploaded. And then when the user later fills up the rest of the form, and submits it, I want to save the paths of the files in the database, with the id of the article they belong to. I am therefore saving file path to session in my controller and saving it to DB like this:
//save article to DB
public function store(Create $request) {
$slug = str_slug($request['name']);
$count = Article::where('slug', 'like', '%'.$slug.'%')->count();
$slug = $slug .'-'. $count;
$article = Article::create(array_merge($this->fillobject($request), $data));
//store external media for the article
$externalMedia = ExternalMedia::create([
'url' => $request->input('external_media'),
'article_id' => $article->id
//if files are uploaded store call fileUpload and store files
$this->fileUpload(Session::get('filePath'), $article->id);
return Redirect::route('admin.articles.show',['id'=>$article->id]);
public function fileUpload($files, $id) {
$articleMedia = [];
$articleMediaFiles = Media::where('article_id', $id)->get(['path']);
foreach($articleMediaFiles as $articleMediaFile) {
$articleMedia[] = $articleMediaFile->path;
foreach($files as $file) {
$oldPath = explode('articles/', $file);
$directoryPath = $oldPath[0].'articles/'.$id;
$newPath = explode('public/', $oldPath[0].'articles/'.$id.'/'.$oldPath[1]);
File::makeDirectory($directoryPath, 0755, true);
if(!in_array($newPath[1], $articleMedia))
Media::create(['path' => $newPath[1], 'article_id' => $id]);
Image::make($file)->resize(100, 100)->save($newPath[1]);
public function ajaxUpload() {
$name = "";
$path = public_path('files/uploads/articles/');
if (Input::hasFile('file')) {
$files = Input::file('file');
foreach($files as $file){
$filePath[] = $path.$file->getClientOriginalName();
Image::make($file)->resize(100, 100)->save($path.'/'.$file->getClientOriginalName());
Session::put('filePath', $filePath);
return json_encode($filePath);
My issue with this code is that I only save one file path to DB when uploading multiple files.
via Chebli Mohamed
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