mercredi 18 décembre 2019

Dependency is not working while adding row (multiple drop-down area) dynamically in laravel using ajax

In the first dependency is working, no matter but when I add another row dynamically ( by addmore button ) then the dependency is not working. Here ajax code is working calling id attribute. I have tried this id attribute as an array so that in every row the id has changed also in ajax code but not worked. Here I am showing the code which is working for the first row but not working rest of the row which is added dynamically and I have removed the id attribute as an array and upload plain code.

My dependency will show every batch under a class in a coaching center.



my blade form:

    <form  action="" method="post"> 

        <table class="table table-bordered" id="dynamicTable">  
                <th>Class (select one)</th>
                <th>Section (select one)</th>
                    <select required id="class" class="dynamic" data-dependent="section" type="text" name="showExamSectionSubject[0][class]">
                        <option value="" selected>--select option--</option>

                        @for( $j=1; $j<=12; $j++)
                        <option value="">Class - </option>
                    <select required id="section" name="showExamSectionSubject[0][section]">
                        <option value="" selected>--select option--</option>

                    <select required name="showExamSectionSubject[0][subject]">
                        <option value="" selected>--select option--</option>

                        @foreach($lists as $list)
                        <option value=""></option>
                    <input id="Mark" name="showExamSectionSubject[0][Mark]" required="required" type="number"/> 
                    <button type="button" name="add" id="add" class="btn btn-success">Add More</button>

        <p class="login button"> 
            <input type="submit" value="Save" /> 


js code:

    <script type="text/javascript">

        var i = 0;



                    '<select required id="class" type="text" class="dynamic" data-dependent="section" name="showExamSectionSubject['+i+'][class]">'+
                        '<option value="" selected>--select option--</option>'+

                        '@for( $j=1; $j<=12; $j++)'+
                        '<option value="">Class - </option>'+


                    '<select required id="section" type="text" name="showExamSectionSubject['+i+'][section]">'+
                        '<option value="" selected>--select option--</option>'+


                    '<select required id="subject" type="text" name="showExamSectionSubject['+i+'][subject]">'+
                        '<option value="" selected>--select option--</option>'+

                        '@foreach($lists as $list)'+
                        '<option value=""></option>'+


                    '<input id="Mark" name="showExamSectionSubject['+i+'][Mark]" required="required" type="number"/>'+


                    '<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger remove-tr">Remove</button>'+


        $(document).on('click', '.remove-tr', function(){  


//problem below this code

                if($(this).val() != '')
                    var select = $(this).attr("id");
                    var value = $(this).val();
                    var dependent = $(this).data('dependent');
                    var _token = $('input[name="_token"]').val();
                        data:{select:select, value:value, _token:_token, dependent:dependent},




this depencency controller:

 public function findSectionUnderClass(Request $request)
            $fixed_identity = auth()->user()->FI;
            $select = $request->get('select');
            $value = $request->get('value');
            $dependent = $request->get('dependent');

            $data = CoachingSection::where($select, $value)
            $output = '<option value="">Select '.ucfirst($dependent).'</option>';
            foreach($data as $row)
                $output .= '<option value="'.$row->name.'">'.$row->name.'|'.$row->gender.'|'.$row->start_time.'|'.$row->section_type.'</option>';
            echo $output;

the controller just shows the form.

I need help on this blade template and ajax code so that I get my dependency in every row that are added dynamically.

If any better solution do u have help me.

via Chebli Mohamed

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