mercredi 1 juillet 2020

Laravel not returning the correct error message to my AngularJS application

I have a controller in Laravel 5.8 that creates a campaign from all requested input. It runs through a try/catch routine and all going well, spits me out the returned database record.

try {
    // Create the new Campaign record
    $campaign = Campaign::create( $request->all() );
catch( exception $e ) {
    return response()->json( '(' . $e->getCode() . ')' . ' ' . $e->getMessage(), 400 );
return response()->json( $campaign, 200 );

However, I have come across a problem where Laravel is returning a 'generic' error to my AngularJS application.

When I attempt the $http request in my AngularJS frontend, I get the following error returned: (0) Array to string conversion (Bad Request - Error 400).

When I attempt the request through a 3rd party app (such as Google Advanced REST Client), I get a different error: (22007) SQLSTATE[22007]: Invalid datetime format: 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '2020-07-05T15:30:04.095Z' for column 'StartTime' at row 1

I have tried removing the try/catch and even tried removing the $e message, but I still get the same generic error returned to Angular.

Could someone please tell me why I cannot see the correct error here. I am trying to give reasonable feedback back to my users, but that generic error helps no one. I spent ages looking for an array conversion error in my code, but having the correct error to begin with would've saved me a lot of time debugging.

via Chebli Mohamed

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