I have problem when I try to send an email with Mail::queue instead of Mail::send
I generate a CSV with League\Csv\Writer:
$csv = $this->csvGenerator->generate(array_merge($translatedLead, $translatedProperty));
and then I send it:
Mail::send(new LeadSubmittedEmail($lead, $csv, $this->everhomeRecipients, $token));
Inside email I have:
return $this->from($this->listingNoReply)
->subject("Everhome App Listing Request #{$this->lead->id}")
->attachData($this->csv, 'lead.csv', ['mime' => 'text/csv'])
This works fine, but if a change Mail::send to Mail::queue:
Mail::queue(new LeadSubmittedEmail($lead, $csv, $this->everhomeRecipients, $token));
That fails and the error is:
If I comment the attach line inside email, the Mail::queue works ok, but I need to send the email in background
via Chebli Mohamed
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