samedi 12 février 2022

There is a problem with displaying images when it is called from the Database

The AppServ Open Project - 8.6.0 for Windows Now you running on PHP 5.6.30

The problem is that all data and data are being called, but the problem is that the image is not being called

The problem is that all data and data are being called, but the problem is that the image is not being called

And here is a picture from Database

--my items--

    <div class="items_parent">
    @foreach($data as $i)
<!-- start item div  -->
        <div  class="item_part">
            <img src=""
            width="200" height="200"/>
            <b id="price">EGP.</b>
            <b id="name"></b>
            <b id="unit"></b>
            <p id="desc"> </p>

            <a href="s_edit_item"></a>
            {!! Form::open(['url' => 'all_items','files'=>true]) !!}



            {!! Form::close() !!}

<!--  end of item div-->

--supplier code-- //Here is the code for adding products

 public function add_item(Request $req){

      $i=new item;
      $i->image_url=$req->file('i_photo')->store('items_photo','public'); //fule upload= store
      $i->save(); //insert

      return redirect('s_setting'); 

via Chebli Mohamed

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