vendredi 28 octobre 2022

how to improve my performance for this complex query | Laravel , Datatabels

Hi everyone i have a very complex query to get Finance data, its like 4 Join and when the data is more than 1000 it getting slow when it loads in datatables how i can make it faster

this is the controller code for ajax :

  $financial_entries = FinanceEntryMod::select([
            select SUM(finance_transaction.equivalent) from finance_transaction  where 
            finance_transaction.entry_id = and
            finance_transaction.type = 'credit' 
        ), 2) as eqivalent_sum"),
        DB::raw('IFNULL(, IFNULL(, "main_branch")) AS branch_name'),
        'financial_entries.v2_order_id as v2_order_id',
        'financial_entries.v2_document_id as v2_document_id',
            DATE_FORMAT(, "%Y-%m-%d") AS new_date,
            DATE_FORMAT(financial_entries.created_at, "%Y-%m-%d") AS new_created_at
    ->leftJoin('branches', function ($join) {
        $join->on("", "=", "financial_entries.branch_id");
    ->leftJoin('finance_transaction', function ($join) {
        $join->on("", "=", "finance_transaction.entry_id");
    ->leftJoin('finance_accounts', function ($join) {
        $join->on("", "=", "finance_transaction.account_id");
    ->leftJoin('v2_branches', function ($join) { 
        $join->on("", "=", "finance_accounts.v2_branch_id"); 
    ->where('financial_entries.is_deleted', '=', '0')

and in the script : im using this

   "pageLength": 30,
        "serverSide"   : true,
        "processing"   : true,

please help me to improve it thanks all

via Chebli Mohamed

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