samedi 28 novembre 2015

How to move the laravel 5.1 User model to \App\Models\User?

Is it possible to tell Laravel that I have moved the User.php model?

Laravel 5.1

FatalErrorException in EloquentUserProvider.php line 126: 
Class '\App\User' not found

I really wasn't keen on having all the models at the root of the App folder in laravel 5.1 so I created a new folder and placed all the model php files within it: \App\Models

I altered the auth controller to use the new use App\Models\User; and corrected all the model files within the model folder..

However when i load the page I get the error mentioned above.

(the other model files of course work fine as it is my code accessing them, it is just the prebuilt auth stuff from laravel 5.1)

via Chebli Mohamed

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