lundi 1 février 2016

laravel 5.1 using Lazy Eager Loading usage

I'm working on a support ticket tool. Table design at the moment:

tickets: |id|supp_id|title|user_id|...

ticket_replies: |id|ticket_id|user_id|text

files: |id|ticket_replie_id|name

model of ticket

public function ticket_replie() 
    return $this->hasMany('App\ticket_replie', 'ticket_id', 'id');

model of ticket_replie

public function file() 
        return $this->hasOne('App\File', 'ticket_replie_id', 'id');


$ticket = Auth::user()->tickets()->where('id', $id)->firstOrFail();
   return view('protected.ticketDetail', compact('ticket'));


    ID: {{$ticket->id}}
    title: {{ $ticket->title}}<br>
    status: {{ returnStatus($ticket->status) }}<br>
    Ticket created: {{ $ticket->created_at }}<br>

    @if (!$ticket->supporter)
        supporter  {{ $ticket->supporter->username }}<br></br>

    @foreach($ticket->ticket_replie as $reply)
        @if ($reply->file == null)
            reply text: {{ $reply->text }}</br>
            reply text: {{ $reply->text }}</br>
            file: <a href="/path/to/file/{!! $reply->file->name !!}">Download file</a><br>
    reply created at: {{$reply->created_at}}</br></br>

current screen of querys: querys debug

Each ticket_replie can contain exact one "file", which stands for an attached file. As you may see in the querys this generates much load. Is there an way to use (laravel Lazy Eager Loading) to minimize amount of querys?

via Chebli Mohamed

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