mardi 27 septembre 2016

Submit a form using Ajax

First, here is my code :



formController.php (im only posting the concerned function)

public function store(CreateVipRequest $request, Vip $vip, Pool $pool, Url $url)
    $new_vip = $vip->create($request->except(['srv_hostname', 'srv_ip', 'srv_port','url']));
    $pool->fill($request->only(['srv_hostname', 'srv_ip', 'srv_port']));

     /* Some more inserts on the database...*/

    return redirect()->route('', [DB::table('vips')->max('id')]);

My code submits the form, and after some json requests to a distant Api (and some databases insertions) it redirects to the show view.

Now I want to add a second button that submits the form via Ajax.

Question : Is there a way to use the same function store ? I need it to be able to process both an ajax submit and a normal submit.

via Chebli Mohamed

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