jeudi 23 février 2017

Scrapped data contains jquery conflicting with angular app

The Scenario-:

I am scrapping a website go display a form inside my angular application. I am using php to scrap this data, Which send me the html as a string through a rest api.

Inside my angular application i use $sce.trustAsHtml(scrappedView) to compile the string to html and display the actual form on my application dashboard.

Now the problem-:

The page which is scrapped from another website contains jQuery 1.11.0, My application uses angular 1.4.

When the view is loaded inside my app no functionality/operation inside the form work. However on doing a POC inside a jquery application the for works perfectly fine.

My guess is that the jQuery and angular are conflicting due to the same Identifier($). Is their a way where i can avoid this conflict through angularjs, or any workarounds at all.

via Chebli Mohamed

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