samedi 6 mai 2017

Laravel 5 Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::muestras()

I'm working with Laravel 5.1: I have a model called Muestra that has 4 foreign keys/relationships one to many with Ganado, TipoMuestra, TipoConsulta and Laboratorio. The problem comes when I create a Muestra element called $muestra in guardarNueva() from a form, and it calls $muestra->setTipoConsulta/Laboratorio/TipoMuestra(), it calls to the function with and throws the error:

BadMethodCallException in Builder.php line 2123:
Call to undefined method 
in Builder.php line 2123
at Builder->__call('muestras', array())
at call_user_func_array(array(object(Builder), 'muestras'), array()) 
in Builder.php line 1015
at Builder->__call('muestras', array())
at call_user_func_array(array(object(Builder), 'muestras'), array()) 
in Model.php line 3444
at Model->__call('muestras', array()) in Muestra.php line 51
at Muestra->setTipoConsulta(object(TipoConsulta)) in Muestra.php line 65
at Muestra::guardarNueva(object(Request)) in MuestrasController.php line 48

Muestra model code is:

class Muestra extends Model
protected $fillable = ['tubo'];
protected $dates = ['fecha_extraccion'];

public function ganado()
    return $this->belongsTo(Ganado::class);

public function tipo_muestra()
    return $this->belongsTo(TipoMuestra::class);

public function tipo_consulta()
    return $this->belongsTo(TipoConsulta::class);

public function laboratorio()
    return $this->belongsTo(Laboratorio::class);

public function setFechaExtraccion($date)
    $this->fecha_extraccion = $date;
    return $this->fecha_extraccion;

public function setLaboratorio($laboratorio){
    return $laboratorio->muestras()->save($this);


public function setTipoMuestra($tipomuestra){
    return $tipomuestra->muestras()->save($this);


public function setTipoConsulta($tipoconsulta){
    return $tipoconsulta->muestras()->save($this);

public function setGanado($ganado){
    return $ganado->muestra()->save($this);


public static function guardarNueva($request){
    $datos = $request->except(['tipo_muestra_id','tipo_consulta_id','laboratorio_id','ganado_id','fecha_extraccion']);
    return $muestra;



The migration of Muestra is:

class CreateMuestrasTable extends Migration
 * Run the migrations.
 * @return void
public function up()
    Schema::create('muestras', function (Blueprint $table) {

 * Reverse the migrations.
 * @return void
public function down()

And any of the other models that are failing, for example TipoMuestra is like this:

class TipoConsulta extends Model
protected $fillable=['nombre'];

protected function muestras(){
    return $this->hasMany(Muestra::class);

public function getSelectOptionAttribute(){
    return $this->attributes['nombre'];

via Chebli Mohamed

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