mercredi 31 mai 2017

Storing an image and multiple input

I have a problem in storing an image and multiple input

this is my image code

                $ngo = new User;           
 $user_certificate = Request::file('user_certificate');
            $destination_path = 'Certificate/';
            $filename = str_random(6).'_'.$user_certificate->getClientOriginalName();
            $user_certificate->move($destination_path, $filename);

            $ngo->user_certificate = $destination_path . $filename;

my multiple input

$bank = $request->bank_name;
                foreach ($bank as $asd) {

                    $banks = new BankAccount;
                    $banks->user_id = $user->id; 
                    $banks->bank_name = $asd;
                    $banks->account_name = $request['account_name'];
                    $banks->account_number = $request['account_number'];

When i use use Illuminate\Http\Request; the image upload will error and this is the error.

Non-static method Illuminate\Http\Request::file() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context

and the multiple input are ok then when i change the use Illuminate\Http\Request; to use Request; it will error.

Undefined property: Illuminate\Support\Facades\Request::$bank_name

Anyone can help me to solve this problem?

via Chebli Mohamed

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