I am trying to create a query scope with one table from the first database and attaching a left join to another table from another database. I understand cleary how to do a query scope in Laravel.
Is it possible to left join 2 tables from different databases? If so, how do you do it?
Here is my query scope:
public function scopeLinkSalesHistory($query, $search)
$query->leftJoin('sOeinvd', 'inventory.item', '=', 'sOeinvd.item')
->leftJoin('sOeinvh', 'sOeinvh.invuniq', '=', 'sageOeinvd.invuniq');
! ( empty( $search ) ) ? $query->where( function ( $query ) use ( $search ) {
$query->where( 'inventory.item', 'LIKE', '%' . $search . '%' )
->orWhere( 'inventory.description', 'LIKE', '%' . $search . '%' );
} )
: $query;
$query->select('*', DB::raw('sum(qtyshipped) as qtysold'), 'inventory.item as item');
return $query;
The tables that start with 's' are from the second database. It doesn't work because I am not referencing these tables properly. Normally I would use this:
But how do you use this in a query scope?
via Chebli Mohamed
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