mercredi 2 août 2017

Route model binding with regex in Laravel 5.1

I write api for mobile, since I have more than one version, I don't want to copy-paste the same routes, hence I decided to do something like this:

Route::model('callRequestNote', CallRequestNote::class);

    'prefix'     => 'api/v{version}/mobile',
    'where'      => ['version' => '[1|2]'],
], function () {
    Route::delete('/notes/{callRequestNote}', MobileNotesController::class . '@destroy');
    // other duplicated routes

public function destroy(CallRequestNote $callRequestNote)

In this situation CallRequestNote is not binded to route properly and I get exception:

Argument 1 passed to NotesController::index() must be an instance of CallRequestNote, string given

But when I don't use parameters in prefix, like this:

    'prefix'     => 'api/v1/mobile',
], function () {
    Route::delete('/notes/{callRequestNote}', MobileNotesController::class . '@destroy');

Model is binded properly. Any ideas how to make it work?

via Chebli Mohamed

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