jeudi 19 octobre 2017

joining tables in laravel and get data by group

I have tables like below. I want to get the data which has count of unique make_id.

I joined all the tables and I'm getting error as 'Unexpected data found'.


| id | vehicle_id |
| 1  |     1      |
| 2  |     2      |
| 3  |     3      |


| id | model_id   |
| 1  |     1      |
| 2  |     2      |
| 3  |     3      |


| id | make_id    |
| 1  |     1      |
| 2  |     2      |
| 3  |     3      |

This is my code:

$Leads = Leads::join('vehicles', '', '=', 'leads.vehicle_id')
        ->join('models', '', '=', 'vehicles.model_id')

Thank you

via Chebli Mohamed

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