Im trying to use laravel excel to create an excel sheet. Because my database is expanding the memory limit is reached and I get the error:
FatalErrorException in Connection.php line 321: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 196605 bytes)
I already raised the memory limit a few times but I would like to improve the function so it uses less memory so I dont need to raise the memory limit everytime. I already use chuncking to try and lower the memory using but to no avail.
My function:
public function exportExcel($year)
$datum = date("d-m-Y");
Excel::create('Sales export '.$datum, function($excel)use($year) {
$datum = date("d-m-Y");
// Chain the setters
$excel->setCreator('author name')
->setCompany('company name')
->setDescription('sales export.')
->setTitle('sales export '.$datum);
$excel->sheet('sales '.$datum, function($sheet)use ($year) {
"merk","product","artikel nr","afbeelding","categorie","collectie","maat","omschrijving","inkoopprijs","verkoopprijs","prijs betaald","aantal verkocht","verkocht aan", "totaal","dag","maand","jaar","kwartaal","reseller","verkoper","bestel naam", "status"
Order::whereYear('created_at', '=', $year)->orderBy('billed_at','desc')->chunk(1, function($orders)use ($sheet){
foreach($orders as $index => $order)
foreach($order->products as $p)
$sizeLink = $p->productSize;
$productLink = $sizeLink->product;
// Append row as very last
//Merknaam Artikelnr. Soort Kleur Maat
//Omschrijving Geboekt aantal Basiseenheid
//inkoopprijs verkoopprijs aant stuks verkocht
//Maand Jaar Kwartaal
$productLink->brand->name, //merknaam
$productLink->name, //productnaam
$productLink->artnr, //Artikelnr
//link naar de hoofdafbeelding
"". URL::to('/'). ucfirst($productLink->mainthumb),
$productLink->category->name, //soort
$productLink->collection->name, //soort
$sizeLink->size->name, //maat naam
$productLink->desciption, //omschrijving
number_format((float) $productLink->price_buy_in, 2, ',', ''), //inkoopprijs
number_format((float) $productLink->price, 2, ',', ''), //verkoopprijs
number_format((float) $p->price, 2, ',', ''), //prijs betaald
$p->quantity, //geboekt aantal
$order->billingname . $order->billingnamelast, //verkocht aan
number_format((float) $p->quantity * $p->price, 2, ',', ''), // totaal kosten
//number_format((float) ($p->quantity * $p->price - $p->quantity * $p->price_buy_in), 2, ',', ''), // winst inkoop-verkoop
date("d",strtotime($order->billed_at)), //dag
date("n",strtotime($order->billed_at)), //maand
date("Y",strtotime($order->billed_at)), //jaar
ceil(date("m",strtotime($order->billed_at))/3), // kwartaal
$order->reseller->name, // verkoper
$order->creator, // verkoper
$order->name, //text op factuur
// Auto filter for entire sheet
// Set black background
$sheet->row(1, function($row) {
// call cell manipulation methods
'G' => \PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_NUMBER_00,
'H' => '[$EUR ]#,##0.00_-',
'I' => \PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_NUMBER_00,
I know I could raise the memory limit but I would like to find out why so much memory is used and how I can avoid using to much memory.
via Chebli Mohamed
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