vendredi 17 novembre 2017

Laravel Redis Queue - Reserved jobs not removed on failure

I'm using redis as the queue driver for Laravel 5.1. It seems that when a job fails due to a fatal error, such as an exceeded execution time, the reserved job is not removed from the queue. I can check in the redis-cli on the queues:default:reserved key that it's still there. And the job is reattempted over and over again instead of being deleted. I have two workers on the queue and retries are set to 1.

My artisan command is: artisan queue:listen --tries=1

The failed() method on the job is not called, nor is the Queue::failing() listener with the redis driver. These are not issues if I'm using the database driver.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should be looking for to solve this?

via Chebli Mohamed

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