mercredi 6 juin 2018

Laravel Logout a specific user

I know it is an old topic, and I know thousands similar questions exist(if not millions), but no one gives a specific answer to my question.

I have a ban feature in my system, where the master(or admin) of the app can ban unwanted users, but if the last have already open session, they still able to use the website without any problem(until they log out, then they can't log in again).

Currently, I moved to redis, and I arranged everything, but my problem still with users who are logged in before I implement a new solution, as in my system I have a kind of monitoring and I can see that they spend money and enjoy the website without any problem(ecommerce web app).

I won't add a check or middleware on every request, because that will just slow down the app.
Also, some solutions discussing about looking in session file from laravel, will not help in my case.
Any suggestion or solution?

via Chebli Mohamed

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