vendredi 5 octobre 2018

no hint path laravel

Hey guys it's my first time deploying my work online.. I have some couple of routes that work perfectly on my local but when I'm on the server I get this error..

View [frontoffice.Sondage.list_sondage] not found

I'm using l5-modular package for modules

it's something like :

└── Modules/
    └── Poll/
        ├── Controllers/
        │   └── PollController.php
        ├── Models/
        │   └── Poll.php
        ├── Views/
        |     └── frontoffice
        │     └── Sondage
        |      └── list_sondage.blade.php
        ├── Translations/
        │   └── en/
        │       └── example.php
        ├── routes
        │   ├── api.php
        │   └── web.php
        └── helper.php

I'm returning this view :

 return view('Poll::frontoffice.Sondage.list_sondage',compact('resultats_groupe','config'));

what can be this error coming from?

via Chebli Mohamed

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