lundi 21 mars 2016

Model relationships and passing Objects

I have a database design like the following


id  | name
1   | Poll One


id  | poll_id | question
1   | 1       | Something


id  | question_id | answer
1   | 1           | Answer 1
2   | 1           | Answer 2
3   | 1           | Answer 3

A Poll can have One PollQuestion, and a PollQuestion can have many PollAnswer's.

This all works fine, I can create Polls, questions and answers. This is all done within a backend which requires you to log in as an admin user.

On the frontend, I need to display the Poll Question and possible answers. I set up a PollResponse Model to which a Poll can have many PollResponse. Models look something like this

class Poll extends Model
    public function pollQuestion()
        return $this->hasOne('App\PollQuestion', 'poll_id');

    public function pollResponse()
        return $this->hasMany('App\PollResponse', 'poll_id');

class PollResponse extends Model
    public function poll()
        return $this->belongsTo('App\Poll');

I then have my routes set up like this following

Route::group(['middleware' => ['web']], function () {

    Route::model('polls.response', 'PollResponse');
    Route::resource('/', 'PollResponseController', ['except' => ['create', 'show', 'edit', 'update', 'destroy']]);

    Route::group(['middleware' => ['admin_logged', 'can_see']], function ()
        Route::model('polls', 'Poll');
        Route::bind('polls', function($value, $route) {
            return App\Poll::whereId($value)->first();
        Route::resource('admin/polls', 'PollController');

        Route::model('polls.questions', 'PollQuestion');
        Route::resource('polls.questions', 'PollQuestionController', ['except' => ['index', 'create', 'show', 'edit', 'destroy']]);

So the idea is, a normal user can visit the main domain and see the latest poll question with its possible answers. They then select an answer and submit their response. The view for this is like the following

<div class="panel-heading">
    <h3 class="panel-title"> {{ $question->question }}</h3>
<div class="panel-body">
     {!! Form::model(new App\PollResponse, ['route' => ['store', $poll->id]]) !!}
        @if (count($answers) !== 0)
            @foreach($answers as $key => $value)
                <div class="radio">
                        <input type="radio" name="optionsRadios" value="{{ $value->answer }}"> {{ $value->answer }}
        {!! Form::submit('Save', array("class"=>"btn btn-info pull-right ")) !!}
    {!! Form::close() !!}

So this all works fine. I am having a problem with the store function though within my PollResponseController. If I submit the response, the poll_id is added to the URL as defined within the route. But in the store function, I am currently doing

public function store(Request $request, Poll $poll)

I would expect this to output the current Poll Object, but it is currently outputting an empty Poll Object. How can I get the related Poll Object into this function so I can relate the responses to a particular Poll?


via Chebli Mohamed

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