mercredi 28 octobre 2020

Is this Mysql Bug? About SELECT ... FOR UPDATE lock_mode X insert intention

have a table struct is id, aid, ...... the aid is an index(a type of int)

trx1 and 2: begin;
trx1: select max(id) from a where aid = 10 for update;
trx2: select max(id) from a where aid = 10 for update; ## have blocked waiting trx 1
trx1: insert into a (........;  then trx 2 will throw a deadlock even not commit yet

this error can't throw out in PHP, no error in PHP and MySQL. just-auto rollback then continues to execute other code.

change MySQL query order below:

trx1 and 2: begin;
trx1: select max(id) ... for update;
trx1: insert ...;
trx2: select max(id) ... for update;
trx1: commit; the trx2 result is currectly

enter image description here

my MySql version is 5.7 I was saw(the same kind of type question):Solution for Insert Intention Locks in MySQL
and this:

for test code below:

CREATE TABLE `test_lock` (
  `aid` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `otherinfo` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `aid` (`aid`)
insert into `test_lock` (`aid`) values(10);
##trx1 and trx2
select max(id) from `test_lock` where (`aid` = 10) limit 1 for update;
##trx2(have blocked)
select max(id) from `test_lock` where (`aid` = 10) limit 1 for update;
insert into `test_lock` (`aid`) values(10);
##then trx2 will gave a deadlock error and look that error
show engine innodb status\G;

use PHP to test(i use Laravel5.6 Commands):

$aid = 10;
$result = DB::table('test_lock')->where('aid', $aid)->orderByDesc('id')->lockForUpdate()->first();
echo "after get:" . date('Y-m-d H:m:s.u'). "\r\n";
sleep(10); // wrong
    ['aid' => $aid]
echo "after insert:" . date('Y-m-d H:m:s.u'). "\r\n";
//sleep(10);  // correctly and  file2 is correct result

$aid = 10;
$pdo = DB::connection()->getPdo();
$result = DB::table('test_lock')->where('aid', $aid)->orderByDesc('id')->lockForUpdate()->first();
var_dump($result); //NULL
echo "after get:" . date('Y-m-d H:m:s.u'). "\r\n";
var_dump($pdo->errorCode()); // 00000
$ret = DB::table('test_lock')->insert(
    ['aid' => $aid]
echo "after insert:" . date('Y-m-d H:m:s.u'). "\r\n";

In PHP File2 result is NULL. Have not any error throw. no mysql error log left. you can use show engine innodb status\G; to found the deadlock happened.

have some way can give me help, please?

via Chebli Mohamed

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