samedi 31 octobre 2020

Laravel Error Whoops, looks like something went wrong. 2/2 ErrorException in path/storage/framework/views/44812f12bcefe0281da2f29a7f94d872 line 40

I got an error as follow and I don't understand it. Is that a session issue.

2/2 Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
ErrorException in /path-to-app/storage/framework/views/44812f12bcefe0281da2f29a7f94d872 line 40:
Trying to get property of non-object (View: /path-to-app/resources/views/backend/base/clients/companies/peoples/index_all.blade.php)

ErrorException in 44812f12bcefe0281da2f29a7f94d872 line 40:
Trying to get property of non-object

via Chebli Mohamed

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