jeudi 5 novembre 2020

How to upload images in foreach variation laravel

I have two tables variants table and ProductsPhotos table.

variants table:

ProductsPhotos table:
  --variant_id  ->references id in variants table

I'm trying to insert images into ProductsPhotos for each variant according to their selection eg. If select

variant_id1:[color:black,size:small,filename[1,2]]->multiple images per variant, 

What I want to be inserted into ProductsPhotos is something like this

id:20,filename:1, variant_id:1
id:21,filename:2, variant_id:1
id:22,filename:3, variant_id:2

So far what I'm getting is

id:20,filename:1, variant_id:1
id:21,filename:2, variant_id:1
id:22,filename:3, variant_id:1
id:23,filename:1, variant_id:2
id:24,filename:2, variant_id:2
id:25,filename:3, variant_id:2

How can I fix this any help would be appriciated.


public function variants(Request $request)

        $data = $request->all();
        foreach($data['title'] as $key => $value){
              $attribute = new \App\Variant;
              $attribute->title  = $value;
              $attribute->size = $data['size'][$key];
              $attribute->color = $data['color'][$key];

              $attributeID = $attribute->id;


                $store_file = [];
                $files = $request->file('image');
                foreach ($files as $file) {
                    $images = $file->store('public/photos');

                    $store_file[] = [
                        'filename' =>  $images,
                        'variant_id' =>  $attributeID



via Chebli Mohamed

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