I am attempting to autoload my classes. I create a folder app/Classes with a file Foo.php and a file Bar.php.
In composer.json I have the folder referenced
"autoload": {
"classmap": [
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "app/"
"files": ["app/Library/myFunctions.php"]
Follow this by
composer dump-autoload
Verified the vandor/autoload/autoload_classmap.php has both
'Bar' => $baseDir . '/app/Classes/Bar.php',
'Foo' => $baseDir . '/app/Classes/Foo.php',
I put a simple function in each class like:
class Bar {
public function __construct(){
echo 'Bar';
Then I attempt to reference it
new Bar;
and receive the error
FatalErrorException in LoginController.php line 24:
Class 'App\Http\Controllers\Login\Bar' not found
NOW..... to solve the error I put
new \Bar;
and we are good.
Is there some reason I need the '\' in my code. This fix is nowhere for me to find in docs, I just noticed it on laracasts and added it in frustration, and it works.
via Chebli Mohamed
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