mardi 29 décembre 2015

Is there any method/way to find out all the functions of some class in laravel?

I am understanding Laravel(5.1 version although 5.2 now recently comes) framework...and studying it deeply...What I am trying to ask let me elaborate through some example:
I have created the model named Blog:

namespace App; 
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Blog extends Model {
protected $fillable = ['title','body'];

Now in my controller I am accessing the function create() of this class in my controller store() method like:
public function store(BlogRequest $request) { $input = Request::all(); Blog::create($input); return redirect('blogs'); }
As you can see that in above controller method we are accessing the static function/method create() i.e
Blog::create($input) the question is as there are so many other methods exists like create() method of a model(Blog) class which extends the Model there any way/strategy/function to find out/know all the functions of this Model Class...

via Chebli Mohamed

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