jeudi 31 décembre 2015

Laravel 5.2 Eloquent column name conflict

I have the following method in my user class:

 * Get all organisations for user (if owner)
 * @param
public function getOrganisationsOwned()
    // If the user is owner of any one or many organisations then return this list
    return Organisation::join('users', 'organisations.owner_id', '=', '')
        ->leftJoin('subscription_plans', 'organisations.subscription_plan_id', '=', '')
        ->where('', '=', $this->id)
        ->select('organisations.*', 'subscription_plans.*')

The method essentially queries and joins two tables. Each table has a column called title.

The output from the above generates the rows as desired with the right info, but returns only one title column, from the right table (subscription_plans) but not the column title from the left table (organisations).

I understood that

->select('organisations.*', 'subscription_plans.*')

would make the query return both columns. What am I missing? Happy new year!

via Chebli Mohamed

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