vendredi 5 février 2016

API query in AngularJS returns nothing, Laravel 5.1 RESTful API, Angular JS (1.5 / 1.4.9) Front End

Wow, I'm at a loss and have been fitting this for days. I could really use some help ...

PROBLEM : When I query my api in Angular Javascript I don't get any data in response. I know the API is working but nothing is attached to the $ that I am sending to the view, other $scope variables do work. Have attempted to fix the issue using the Angular $http Resource and Restangular AngJS Service link. Here are the details of my problem, and thanks for any suggestions.

CURRENT CONFIG : I'm developing a site that uses Laravel 5.1 for a RESTful API. It is located on a local Vagrant instance of Homestead the URL is >>

I know it works because if I go to >>, I get (abbreviated):

[{"id":1,"name":"Track 1 Name","slug":"track-1-name",...,"updated_at":"2016-01-31 15:30:56"},{"id":2,...,"updated_at":"2016-01-31 15:30:56"},{"id":3,...,"updated_at":"2016-01-31 15:30:56"}]

here is the code for the controller:

    public function index()
    // Using Model
    //$data = Track::where('published', 1)->get();
    //return $data;

    // Using DB
    $data = DB::table('tracks')->where('published', 1)->get();
    return response()->json($data);

as you can see I attempted to fix my Angular JS issue by using both a Laravel Model and a Database Query, neither fixed anything.

I am using Angular JS for the front-end and there is where my problem lies. When I go to I receive the Angular App as a response, defined by the routes.php file in Laravel. Here is the routes code:

Route::get('/', function() { return View::make('app.index'); });

The view I am using is located in /resources/views/app/ and ALL the necessary AngularJS files are located in the public directory of the Laravel install. Here is some of the code from the view, followed by the 2 Angular Files referenced in the view.


    <html lang="en" ng-app="PlatSplatApp">
    <body ng-controller="AppCtrl">
        <div class="page-header">
            <h1> - {{ user }}</h1>
        <p>1 + 2 = {{ 1 + 2 }}</p>
        <div ng-repeat="track in tracks">
            <h3>{{ }}</h3>
            <p>{{ track.description }}</p>

<script type="text/javascript" src="<?= asset('app/bower_components/angular/angular.js') ?>"></script> ...
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?= asset('app/bower_components/restangular/src/restangular.js') ?>"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="<?= asset('app/scripts/app.js') ?>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?= asset('app/scripts/controllers/appCtrl.js') ?>"></script>


angular.module('PlatSplatApp', ['restangular']);

AppCtrl.JS :

angular.module('PlatSplatApp', [])
   .controller('AppCtrl', [ '$scope',
        function($scope, Restangular) {

            // Set User
            $scope.user = 'Nugz Ali';

            //Create a Restangular object
            var data = Restangular.allUrl('tracks', '');

            // make query and return a promise.
            data.getList().then(function(response) {
                $scope.tracks = response;

            //$scope.tracks = Restangular.allUrl('tracks', '').getList().$object;
            //$scope.tracks = Restangular.allUrl('allTracks', '').getList().$object;

            //var data = Restangular.allUrl('tracks', '').getList();
            //var data = Restangular.oneUrl('tracks', '').get();
            //$scope.tracks = data;

            //$scope.tracks = [{'name': 'error', 'description': 'error'}];

// .controller('AppCtrl', [ '$scope', '$http',
//    function ($scope, $http) {
//        $scope.user = 'Nugz Ali';
//        $http({
//            method: 'GET',
//            url: '',
//        }).then(function(result) {
//            $scope.tracks =;
//        }, function (error) {
//            $scope.tracks = [ { 'name': 'error', 'description': 'error' } ];
//        })
//    }

All the JS coded I attempted to use is commented out. Thanks Again for any suggestions!

via Chebli Mohamed

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