I am receiving this error in production but not in local testing:
"Serialization of closure failed: The closure was not found within the abstract syntax tree."
I use Homestead/Vagrant on my local machine to ensure the environment is similar to production and I cannot track down why I started receiving this in production when I did not receive it at all in local testing.
The snippet of code is below, any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
foreach ($notifications as $notification) {
$data = array('eventInfo' => $eventInfo, 'bowlerInfo' => $bowlerInfo, 'bowlerSchoolInfo' => $bowlerSchoolInfo,
'matchInfo' => $match, 'notificationInfo' => $notification);
Mail::queue('emails.matchEventAddedNotification', $data, function ($message) use ($notification, $bowlerInfo) {
$dataHeader['category'] = 'Match Event Notification';
$dataHeader['unique_args']['message'] = 'Email related to a new match event notification.';
$dataHeader['unique_args']['bowler_id'] = $bowlerInfo['id'];
$dataHeader['unique_args']['matchevents_notify_id'] = $notification['id'];
$header = json_encode($dataHeader);
$message->getSwiftMessage()->getHeaders()->addTextHeader('X-SMTPAPI', $header);
$message->subject('New Score Added For' . ' ' . $bowlerInfo['first_name'] . ' ' . $bowlerInfo['last_name']);
$matcheventNotify = Matchevent_Notify::find($notification['id']);
$matcheventNotify->last_sent = Carbon::now();
via Chebli Mohamed
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