mardi 2 juillet 2019

Clicking multiple images javascript not working

I'm trying to make multiple images clickable using javascript, so I have one div which has a big image and another div has smaller multiple images, if I click one of the multiple images it should change to a big image(obvious all multiple images to be clickable and change to a big image when clicked) now the problem is the images are not clickable and in console there is no errors, how can I make them clickable?



  <div class="bigImage">
       <img src=""  style="width:400px;" alt=""  class="active" id="currentImage">
       <h1>no picture</h1>

  <div class="product-section-images">
      @foreach($product->ProductsPhoto as $product)
       <img src="" style="width:200px;" class="card-img" alt="">


        const currentImage = document.querySelector('#currentImage');
        const images = document.querySelectorAll('.product-section-images');

        images.forEach((element) => element.addEventListener('click', thumbnailClick));

        function thumbnailClick(e) {
          currentImage.src = this.querySelector('img').src;

            currentImage.addEventListener('transitionend', () => {
                currentImage.src = this.querySelector('img').src;

            images.forEach((element) => element.classList.remove('selected'));


Any help will be appreciated

via Chebli Mohamed

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