samedi 30 janvier 2016

Laravel 5.1 Format date BEFORE being put in array inside controller

I have the following code in my controller:

$gecko_id = Gecko::where(compact('user_id', 'name'))->first()->id; 
$weight = Weight::where(compact('user_id', 'gecko_id'))->orderBy('weighed_date', 'desc')->take(7)->get()->reverse();
$gecko = Gecko::where(compact('user_id', 'name'))->first();

return view('')
    ->with('gecko', $gecko)
    ->with('dates', $weight->lists('weighed_date'))
    ->with('amounts', $weight->lists('gecko_weight'));

Which is sending data to my view for a chart i'm plotting. My dates list is outputting the following data format:


Ideally I would like to format this before it is passed to the view so it's more readable. So say 2015-06-01 would be be reformatted into 01/06/2016 - I know how to do this in the usual PHP way, but because I'm putting the data into an array, I'm unsure on the best way of achieving my goal.

via Chebli Mohamed

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