jeudi 18 août 2016

Locate bower_components in laravel and using loadbalancer

I would like to know how can I call all my scripts file inside /public/bower_components in laravel? I'm having problem with the loading of all my scripts since we are also using a loadbalancer. Here's a sample of my code

URL: <---- my project url where is our loadbalancer/haproxy public IP and 'transaction' is the keyword use to reroute to our private server.

Now when I use this laravel script


I assumed that this will look for the angular.js file in the url 

but upon checking my file its looking in this url 

as you can see the keyword 'transaction' is removed. Is there a way to fix this so that it will look for the file in the correct path with 'transaction' included in the url?

via Chebli Mohamed

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