I want to provide a user the ability to cache up to 2,600+ items, by groupings (categories of book, individual books, or possibly even just chapters of a certain book if they don't want the whole book). It is not possible, as far as I can tell, to precache all of these items because there are 2,600+ of them, and will be more in the future - the service worker will timeout with under a couple hundred. And since service workers either get all or none on install (if I understand correctly), do I need to use multiple services workers (with different ids?), or am I thinking about this wrong?
What I am thinking is something like...
<iron ajax></iron-ajax>
<template is="dom-repeat" items="...">
<platinum-sw-register auto-register clients-claim skip-waiting>
<platinum-sw-cache default-cache-strategy="fastest"
In other words:
- Get a list of wanted URLs via iron-ajax (based upon what the user enables for cache)
- Iterate through the URLs as groups via dom-repeat
- Create a service worker with a customized cache-config for the URL group
- Repeat 2 and 3 until done, then present a toast
That someGenerator.php would return a JSON config setup for the particular group of URLs.
My app is a single page app - with neon-animated-pages - one page representing categories, one for book listings, one for table of contents for each book, and then one of each the chapter contents. All of the data is obtained via iron-ajax.
Here are some links to demonstrate the issues:
A large non-functional cache-config generated
I suspect, in order to not have service workers errors due to redundancy, or overwrite existing caches, I will need to assign individual ids, and include them in the generated cache-configs. Does that sound right?
via Chebli Mohamed
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