mardi 27 octobre 2015

Laravel object_get

I have a base User model object. Each user can be either a staff member, parent or student. Each account type also has an associated model.

For example:

class User extends Model {

    public function details()
        switch($this->account_type) {
            case 'staff':    return $this->hasOne(Staff::class);
            case 'student':  return $this->hasOne(Student::class);
            case 'parent':   return $this->hasOne(ParentUser::class);

        return null;

If I run:

 echo $user->details->staff_code;

Then it outputs CRS for example. However, if I run it with object_get():

object_get($user, 'details.staff_code');

Then it outputs null.

I figured because in the object_get() method, it has this line:

if (! is_object($object) || ! isset($object->{$segment}))

I assume because the details property is a magic/dynamic laravel model property, isset() doesn't work on it.

Whats the best way to handle this? Is it safe to edit the object_get() method and replace the isset() segment with something more robust? I don't really want to edit source code in the Vendor directory.

Should I create my own object_get helper function, and if so, where should I place it / autoload it?

Is there another method of achieving the result I want that I'm unaware of?

Any help is appreciated.

via Chebli Mohamed

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