dimanche 20 mars 2016

Laravel not saving textarea value in the db

I can't really figure uot what is wrong why this code is not saving textarea value. every other things are working fine, except the saving of textarea content. If I remove the textarea code it saves successfully. This is the the controller action: Please help out. Thanks.

public function store(CompanyRequest $companyRequest)
       $company = new Company;


       $company->companyname    = $companyRequest->companyname;
       $company->companydescription    = $companyRequest->companydescription;

       return redirect()->route('companyindex')->with('message', 'Your question has been posted.');
            return redirect('company-create')->withErrors($companyRequest)->withInput();

This is the blade view:

{!! Form::textarea('companydescription', Input::old('companydescription'), ['class'=>'mid first-input-div', 'id'=>'companydescription']) !!}

This is the request file;

class CompanyRequest extends Request
    public function authorize()
        return true;

    public function rules()
        return [
                'companyname'           => 'required|min:5|max:300',
                'companydescription'    => 'required|min:200|max:250'

via Chebli Mohamed

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