mercredi 30 mars 2016

Trying to display image in Laravel 5.1 using dropzone

I am trying to display the image from the file path but it's seeing a different thing entirely, I'm vague of what to do. I am using dropzone. The images are stored in this directory laravel/public/gallery/images. so the url is thus: http://localhost:port/gallery/images. The images are saved in the db successfully but displaying them is an issue. This is the code to display:


                    <DIV class="row">
                      <DIV class="col-md-12">
                        <DIV id="gallery-images">
                                @foreach($productVerificationValidation->productDocumentUpload as $productDocument)
                                      <a href="{{url($productDocument->file_path)}}./.{{$productDocument->file_name}}" target="_blank">
                                        <img src="{{url($productDocument->file_path)}}">


This is the controller to display the view:

   public function viewUploadedDocuments($id=null){
            $productVerificationValidation = ProductVerificationValidation::findOrFail($id);
            return view('product.verification-validation.viewDocuments')->with('productVerificationValidation', $productVerificationValidation);

To my surprise when i check the console on Chrome, instead of getting the properties of the images it returns wrong properties as displayed on the screenshot: wrong properties assigned to an image but the db record has a different property as displayed on the screenshot: db properties different from what's displayed on console. what wrong am I to make right, Please help out.

via Chebli Mohamed

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